By ohmygosh - 21/07/2011 23:35 - United States

Today, I accidentally asked a one-armed man which arm he wanted me to take blood from. He asked for a different nurse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 646
You deserved it 48 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

supernerd352 7

he couldve over reacted and pulled a gun. good thing he wasn't armed.

jewknowit710 2

*super facepalm* with hypodermic needle you boob


Yes it's a honest mistake done by just switching onto autopilot and it wasn't malicious. However as a nurse you do more than take blood. What happens if due to autopilot she overlooked a severe allergy to penicillin?

Considering checking for allergies is PART of the routine, I doubt that would happen.

schaflava 0

I wouldn't worry about it. most people fake injuries to get attention. What must someone think of a one-armed man that's bleeding?!?

f your life you probably always say that and Said it without thinking

I have only one arm, if a nurse would ask me that I'd be her worst nightmare...

what can you do you only have one arm you non-threatening aggressive tool.

yotheman 0

isn't the saying that BLONDES are DUMB you frickin idiot.

LOL That is so funny. I feel so bad for you, it's an honest mistake. someone asked me why I wasn't going to work tomorrow and I told them I have a funeral to go to, and she said "are you deadly serious?" and then tried to correct herself. These things happen, and if the guy couldn't accept that then he is arrogant.

I'm a phlebotomist, I always get nervous I'm going to do that! :(