By ohmygosh - 21/07/2011 23:35 - United States

Today, I accidentally asked a one-armed man which arm he wanted me to take blood from. He asked for a different nurse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 646
You deserved it 48 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

supernerd352 7

he couldve over reacted and pulled a gun. good thing he wasn't armed.

jewknowit710 2

*super facepalm* with hypodermic needle you boob


Yeah, because you don't notice a missing arm... o.O hope you get reprimanded for your insensitive mistake.

I know it a reflex question but that is freaking obvious

he should have said "why? do you have my other one? in that case I want it back. and if Harrison ford comes in you didn't see me." humourless limbless people are all the same.

whyyyyy is a nurse taking blood anyway? leave it to the phlebotomists! totally deserved it.

848901 0

I can understand how you did it, but...ydi, lol

I've done that taking blood pressure lol. luckily the guy had a sense of humor. routine of asking lol.

sucks but probably an honest mistake especially if she's taking blood all day everyday probably rarely comes across a one armed person

did u then ask the deaf man if he heard that?

diegosfml 0

dumbass:definition:adjective:a person who is really stupid in other words...YOU