This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By tobuscus9412 - 28/06/2016 11:37

Today, I "accidentally" kissed another girl while wasted at a party. My friend convinced me being honest was the right thing to do, so I told my girlfriend. She broke up with me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 447
You deserved it 21 688

Top comments

Well you can sort of see her point - this time it was an "accidental" kiss. Next time it might be an "accidental" anal threesome. Once she can't trust you it's going to end badly.

Do you really expect anyone to feel bad for you for cheating? Smh FHL because now she might have trouble trusting guys... YDI


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I would prefer to use the term cockwaffle, but that term is acceptable too.

You got it all wrong- It's obviously Bluewaffle.

Well you can sort of see her point - this time it was an "accidental" kiss. Next time it might be an "accidental" anal threesome. Once she can't trust you it's going to end badly.

michaelaranda 28

Once, my girlfriend got really drunk at a party and kissed a friend. I forgave her because honestly, it was an accident and a mistake. She felt really guilty about it and was honest to me. I don't think op is blameless, but I can understand how the situation he is in sucks. Also if my girlfriend had sex with someone while she was drunk, I would break up with her. But everyone is different. And ops girlfriend has the right to end the relationship. Still sucks tho.

I'm confused how cheating is an accident. Also if your girlfriend would have sex with someone while drunk, depending on the situation it could be rape.

You can clearly see that the OP is very sorry and very sad. If they were in a monogamous relationship, then this was a fault and people make faults. Love is more than rules in my opinion. But I also see the GF and if her decision is right for her, it's good she stands up for herself in that way. I feel very sad for you, OP. But please don't draw the conclusion to not be honest in the future, I think you did all you could do after being fallible/human.

I'm sorry, how can you clearly see that the op is sad and feels guilty? He had to be convinced to tell his girlfriend, and it sounds like he's blaming that friend for his relationship ending.

Also the quotes around the word accidental make me question how accidental it was

#73 is right. The quotation marks imply it was actually on purpose. And you can't at all blame the girlfriend for breaking up with him. Cheating is cheating.

khiiirsty 14

So I gave this a YDI, but I took the quotes around accidental as the OP implying that he knows being drunk is a weak excuse for cheating as opposed to him deliberately planting a kiss. It's as if to say "I did kiss her while I was drunk as a skunk and didn't intend to but I understand that I can't entirely blame it on the alcohol."

I would too. Nothing like an "accidental kiss" with another woman end a relationship.

Do you really expect anyone to feel bad for you for cheating? Smh FHL because now she might have trouble trusting guys... YDI

Ydi.... You shouldn't have kissed another girl period.

If you're looking for sympathy you're not going to get it

MoonPhase 17

Kind of surprised you'd post this on FML thinking you'd get sympathy.

"Today I was a piece of shit and cheated on my girlfriend and now she doesn't want anything to do with my pee-pee anymore... FML" Yeah nobody feels sorry for you, dude. You brought that shit on yourself. Don't cheat if you want to be in a relationship, it's rule #1

I have to really question the word 'accidental'. Were you drunk and fell into a girl resulting in your lips touching or were you drunk and your lowered inhibitions convinced you kissing another girl was a good idea. If the former, then I can see how that could be called an accident but if the later, then your a cheater and your girlfriend was right to break up with you. The truth is always better than lying, regardless of the consequences. This really needs a follow up to provide context.