By it'sabitwindy - 09/12/2011 06:05 - United States

Today, I added "a road sign" to my ever-growing list of "Things which have hit my car as a result of the wind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 557
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste


That dastardly wind, always causing mischeif.

Sounds like you need better sign posts, bolts, and more cement around them where you live. Make a complaint!


I try to avoid the buses that talk to me. My therapist told me it wasn't healthy...

jsteury 0

I'm going to have to say your just a shitty driver it's never your fault is it

At least it wasn't a trampoline or a wheelie bin?

PoisonGirlInc 0

That happens to me, too! I mean, it's totally the wind's fault, so much that I have a list: "things that my car accidentally hit because of the blowing wind"...