By Anonymous - 29/01/2013 04:23 - United States - Lafayette Hill

Today, I almost died. How? I nearly suffocated after passing out while chewing an entire pack of gum. I should really drink less. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 594
You deserved it 46 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least drunken you doesn't burn down orphanages or anything... just, you know, chews gum.

SexySlayer1248 18

Darwinism gives you the first one free


KiddNYC1O 20

Was it one of those six feet roll gum? So good...

What? So were you chewing or drinking?

senor_awesome 14

OP was drinking at first, which led to a drunken state where he decided that chewing an entire pack of gum was a good idea. Whilst chewing said gum, they then passed out from the previously mentioned alcoholic consumption. While passed out, I am assuming they were on their back, which caused gravity to move the gum into a prime suffocating position. He then woke up and managed to not die.

You're half way there. With the username Anonymous, you just have to add Alcoholics. Hope you can get help soon.

There are safer things to put in your mouth drunk ;)

like you said op...should drink less...ydi