By insomniacap - 30/12/2014 23:47 - United States - Stratford
Same thing different taste
Bad trip
By Anonymous - 24/06/2022 21:00 - United States
My brain hates me
By This is a nightmare - 17/09/2024 07:00 - United States
Vicious circle
By Anonymous - 18/01/2023 13:00 - United States - Riverside
Best of both worlds
By Alyce - 05/12/2020 23:02 - United States - Lewistown
By counterproductive - 21/09/2020 11:01 - United States
Night terror
By Help - 25/02/2023 07:00 - United States
The impending sense of doom
By Awake - 23/12/2022 21:00
By amy - 20/07/2019 02:09
Out of it
By Anonymous - 29/07/2021 04:01
Nervous wreck
By jumpy - 14/09/2023 04:00
Top comments
1)grow up or, b) get off the crack.
1 or b? Mate I think you're the one that needs to get off the crack.
Aww, don't worry OP. Dreams have a weird way of affecting us. Especially the ones we can't really explain. Opening myself up for ridicule, I know, but when I was 16 I just moved out of my dad's house into my mum's. My dad was super-strict and my mum had no rules. About a week into it, I had a dream I was being chased by giraffes who - besides wanting to eat a lot of bread - were carnivorous and wanted to eat me too. Don't ask, I have no clue. Long story short, that was 15 years ago and I'm still afraid of giraffes. Yes, I'm a wuss. But my point is dreams can affect you in ways that just don't make sense. #58, dream analysis doesn't always make sense either. Apparently I was either avoiding an important truth, sticking my neck out for someone, not seeing the bigger picture ... to this day I still don't know what dreaming about giraffes actually symbolizes, or why I dreamed of them at all. Sometimes the brain just finds weird ways to relieve stress. :) :)
A Blind Ship Captain? That's from a book, Treasure Island I believe :0
I started having night terrors earlier last year (2014, that sounds so weird to say). It feels like I'm awake and someone, usually threateningly is standing over me. Then I wake up screaming. Dreams can affect you in more than just an "oh I had a scary dream" kind of way. There's a reason there are so many horror movies about dreams.
Please for the love of God, get professional help.
I didn't see that one coming..
But if you think about it, the blind ship captain you see in your dreams could be an archetype of the anxiety you're not facing in your daily life. Now that's deep!