By knifewow - 20/10/2016 08:30 - Australia - Ashgrove

Today, I angrily waved away an annoying fly with a large knife. I stabbed myself in the shoulder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 426
You deserved it 13 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You're an idiot, and I'm sorry FML can ban me again but waving after a fly with a knife? OP is the reason we can't have nice things.

I am guessing you were doing something else with the knife originally, then the fly decided to harass you. If so, that sucks, and try to remember to put the knife down next time. If that's not the case... Next time, don't use a knife.

I'm sure this would be a moment god himself could relate too. "Was trying to smite this guy with lightning I missed and hit my shoulder. You could say I'm shock!"

Yeah why does this have only "agree with op" options? Seems cheap

How was that little fly able to carry such a large knife?

Where's the YDI button when you need it

I don't like either of the options. No way that could happen to me. YDI, sorry op. so not going to vote the top option either. If it had been "you deserve it" , I would pick that.

Only putting "could have happened to me" because there's no "you deserved it" button

Why is there a "this could've happened to me" ?? No, I want to vote YDI. Nobody likes the new buttons FML-Team.