By Anonymous - 23/04/2011 20:54 - United States

Today, I asked a coworker if she would cover for me on Easter because I want to spend it with my 3 year old daughter. She said no because she wants to spend Easter with her kids, too. She doesn't have kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 308
You deserved it 7 167

Same thing different taste


jennifer93 0

Wow she could've at least been straight up with you

towhomitmayconce 0

...and we all can see WHY she doesn't have kids...

Two things, one.. atleast in my line of work and where I work you have to give atleast two weeks notice for a shift change, and more for a vacation day. If you had wanted Easter off you should have done it a long time ago. Second, who are you to assume your co worker doesn't have kids. maybe they're step kids, or maybe they've passed away and she visits them every holiday and chance she gets at their gravesite. I know this to happen quite often, from personal experience with friends who visit their son all the time and especially every holiday. Might not be what's going on, but who is to know. but, it's definitely not her fault you have to work.

LOL, if you saw half the people I've had to search you would see why I would never want to abuse that "privilege". The human body is an amazing thing and is quite spectacular of hiding things in various places. I can't begin to count how many pipes (glass) I've had females remove from their nether regions, there are a lot of nasty ass crack an meth ****** in this world. Not to mention the guys stuffing baggies up their ass. Only person I'd abuse the privilege with is my husband. ;)

Hence my wink, lol! Good day to you as well sir.

Monikabug 9

Some people have little green monsters on their shoulders and/or sticks in their butts. Mr. Boners is and has always been hilarious. So you can go ahead and jump off the Let's-Rag-On-Boner-Because-He-Gets-Posted-&-We-Don't bandwagon and run to your local Walmart for some Huggies, you insignificant whiners.

It sucks, but YDI for not asking for the day off way before hand.

Op is a bitch, in no way what so ever does having kids make you or your holidays more important than someone who hasn't got kids. why should your co-worker pick up your slack?!

you should have called in earlier instead of waiting last minute...

Boners might not have the time to defend himself, I on the otherhand have ample time on my hands and you guys ragging on him are a bunch of twats. let's look at the guy having a go at him about changing his picture, you my friend have NO profile picture so shut the hell up. then we have some guy who bums a video game so much he's dedicated his fml profile to it, **** off mate. Then we come to the dizzy bitch who's profile picture says come to the darkside... we have cookies bahahaha oh that's ****** helarious... oh wait no it isn't, that's the kind of shit my stupid friend would get printed on a T-shirt, no ones gonna laugh everyones just gonna think wow what a ******* idiot. Rant over, **** you all.

have any of you hating rags ever made a funny comment? when you catch up to Mr. Boners on the Laugh-O-meter then feel free. until then. please go skydiving without a parachute... I hear they have cookies to... BITCHES!

#39, where does it even imply he wouldn't do someone a favour? Most people make plans for their days off more than a day in advance. Also, the woman might just have worked five days in a row and needed a break. Asking someone to cover you for non-emergency reasons with less than a day's notice isn't asking a favour. It's a giant "**** you for having less of a life or a less important life than I" and boners' response is not completely out of line.