By GLHan - 07/03/2014 22:31 - United States - Commack

Today, I asked my boss for a few days off next week, because my grandmother passed away yesterday and I'll need to travel to attend the funeral. His response: "She's dead, you're not. You want time off, then quit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 378
You deserved it 3 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19

Sorry for your loss, OP. And an insensitive boss like that is a horrible one. I wish you and your family the best.


Go to HR. Like seriously how big of a douche do you have to be to say that about someone's loved one who just recently passed away in front of that person? Smh. If I was you, if I could afford to quit, I would just tell my boss to go f*** himself. Then I would go to the funeral, cause I love my grandma. Anyways, good luck OP.

snyper15129 8
skipper2009 18

I would report that mother f#cker. Sorry for your loss OP.

I smell a lawsuit. Union or not, you're still entitled to bereavement leave.

Damn, I hope you did quit! What an asshole.

Ouch. My condolences OP. Your boss sounds like a huge douche. He's obviously not very family oriented.

Dude ur boss sucks.. Needs a human resource refresher corse in employee management. Sorry 4 ur loss and him being an asswad

nurchok 15

Sorry for your loss. I hate people like that. What's worse is that 189 people YDIed you. Best wishes for your family.