By GLHan - 07/03/2014 22:31 - United States - Commack

Today, I asked my boss for a few days off next week, because my grandmother passed away yesterday and I'll need to travel to attend the funeral. His response: "She's dead, you're not. You want time off, then quit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 378
You deserved it 3 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19

Sorry for your loss, OP. And an insensitive boss like that is a horrible one. I wish you and your family the best.


I would quit there on the spot, not worth the aggravation having that big of an asshole for a boss.

Just look him dead in the eye and say, "Fine then, I quit." And walk away.

Kuro_Kamen 12

Would really suck if op has not place to go or money saved up till they get another job though.

agreed, he's probably some lonely antisocial jerk

I'm pretty sure he can lose his job for that kind of comment. There's no excuse for that kind of behavior. I'm sincerely sorry for your loss, and even more sympathetic for you having to deal with this as well.

askullnamedbilly 33

In the US, there is no law that forces an employer to pay you for bereavement leave. The boss is a ****, but unless the company has a strict policy of giving employees days off for immediate family members, he's not actually doing anything illegal.

Actually that is not true. Under the employment rights act you are entitled to 3 days for a dependent, spouse or other family member that would typically need your support, and 1 day for a non immediate family member or friend.

You should just skip work. What he said was uncalled for and unnecessary

Sounds like people are dying to have your job!

#33 that was such insensitive joke to make at a time like this.

If you could just not attend your grandmother's funeral because I'm complete ass, THAT'D BE GREAT.

tehdarkness 21

I guess some people haven't seen that movie...

check fmla in.Your state and see what the regulations are. sorry for your loss

Sorry for your loss. :( your boss shouldn't act like an asshole about that.

my condolences for your loss, your boss is a ****

if you have an employee handbook, contract, or something similiar given to new hires, look in it for rules about funerals. if it says you may have time off for funerals and your boss fires you, you can sue for wrongful termination. if there is a boss above yours, talk to them. they may give you time off. and reporting him won't do any good unless there is written documents saying you can have time off for funerals. i worked somewhere that didn't give time off for them, they counted as sick days. i am sorry for your loss.

I would've quit on the spot but in my line of work it doesn't take long to get a job and I have a lot saved up