By GLHan - 07/03/2014 22:31 - United States - Commack

Today, I asked my boss for a few days off next week, because my grandmother passed away yesterday and I'll need to travel to attend the funeral. His response: "She's dead, you're not. You want time off, then quit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 378
You deserved it 3 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19

Sorry for your loss, OP. And an insensitive boss like that is a horrible one. I wish you and your family the best.


what a jerk today is my Aunts funeral and my brother can't come home wanna know why he can't and its okay while this isn't my brother is over seas right now fighting for this country so its understandable this isn't and needs to be fired

juturnaamo 29

Unfortunately, military policy is only immediate family. Not sure about FMLA policy.

I believe people are entitled to bereavement?

grashopper8 7

That's probably illegal. I hope you can find a new job and also sue. xxoo so very sorry for your loss.

how quickly did you go to HR,,...that is beyond rude and the last thing you need to hear when you are dealing with the loss of a relative... F ur boss

1030love 10

My grandmother died yesterday as well. I'm sorry you have to through it too, OP. It's a terrible feeling. Luckily, my boss really understands the importance of family since most of hers lives in Bulgaria and she hasn't seen any of them but her mother for a long time.

akballerchicity 11

Op actually can't really do anything about it. Maybe just report him.

I'd of punched that ******** in the face

Sounds like your workplace needs an HR representative, if there is not already one.