By Lilypad - 12/03/2013 00:21 - France - Versailles

Today, I asked my boyfriend to give me a back rub. He claimed that he had a sore hand, so I retorted, "You have two hands, right?" Still bitter about not being able to have sex with me while I'm on my period, he shot back, "You have two holes, right?" I give up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 720
You deserved it 56 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gemmaiscoolguys 5

I for one wouldn't want anal sex on my period either.

It's not like you're entitled to back rubs... Don't be like that.


come on everyone! she has a sore back and wasn't feeling good! do you really blame her for not wanting to do anything sexual?

chick92282 15

It's not so much that she turned him down. That happens, people aren't in the mood for whatever reason, fine. For me at least, the reason she deserves it is because of the accompanying bitchiness. She asked for something, he demurred, she got snippy. So he got snippy back. IMO she still deserves it.

rinoa_fml 10

Why can't he have sex with you when you're on your period?

Some people aren't comfortable with it. Although sex can sometimes relieve cramps, there are other pains that some girls get during their periods, like backache or sore breasts. Stuff like that can really kill the mood.

this is the most indecisive I've been in a while...

While OP's bf should've respected that she was on her period and didn't want to have sex, that's still a pretty witty response. OP should've respected that he didn't want to give her a back rub, and shouldn't have whined about it. I find two people at fault here, so I won't vote YDI or FML.

I am surprised at all comments saying: "Maybe if you gave him something, even if it's not anal". Really? It's kinda sad. A considerate partner does not ask you for something in return to grant you a favour, especially if it is health related. I find that incredibly selfish and childish to be moody because he cannot have sex during her period, as if she was doing that on purpose. And sex is not on demand, when a guy or a girl does not feel like it, the boyfriend / girlfriend should accept it without sulking. It's basic respect. My fiancé would never except something from me for such a trivial request and vice-versa. We do nice things for each other because we love each other, not because we have an agenda. I feel sorry for you people if you're in relationships where every small act of kindness has a price.

Completely agree with you, if she doesn't want to have sex, for whatever reason it may be, she doesn't have to. But then she should accept that if he doesn't feel like giving her a back rub, he doesn't have to either.

Accept it without sulking? Ummmm, no. That's just wrong. Partners should always be available for sex. My boyfriend and I have always had a strict no turning each other down policy.

188, Wrong by whose ridiculous standard? Sex no matter how the other person is feeling? No matter if they are miserable or in pain? That's called being selfish.

cryssycakesx3 22

if a relationship is give and take, as others have been saying because she wanted a back rub, she should give and take too.

Well he's close you actually have three holes

Actually, I read that science has proven that it was the chicken that came first. Not adding my opinions on the matter, that's just what I read in the newspaper