By suckstobeme - 16/04/2009 18:38 - United States

Today, I asked my girlfriend what her favorite quality about me was. Her answer, "Your car." FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 145
You deserved it 8 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suggest one last ****. Then, as you finish, shoot in her eye and as she's complaining say, "Listen, I know you can't see me right now, but I never want to see you again either."

Now I ain't saying she a gold digger... Wait, actually, I am.


That is why you bought the car, isn't it?

vitaminsandminer 0

honestly she could have been joking, i think if my boyfriend asked that i would say something like that too even though its not true

YDI you're probably a heartless bastard.

soxgirl54 0

you never ask these questions, you always set yourself up for disaster

ohhhhshizzz 0

You should publicly humiliate her, throw money at her and then say that this is for all the ******* we've done, but only throw 10, 1 dollar bills. then she will see how much she is worth. ******* gold diggerr.

tsunamisurfer08 3