By annabellebyebye - 16/08/2009 15:18 - United States

Today, I bought a kitten. I've wanted a cat for years and decided to finally buy one now that I have my own apartment. It turns out I'm allergic to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 890
You deserved it 10 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you be aware of that allergy BEFORE you got the cat? You've never had allergy tests done, or gotten a stuffy nose when you were around your friends' cats? I suggest shots if you want to keep it. Either that, or zyrtec. Zyrtec (allergy medication) is WONDERFUL. I'm (supposedly) allergic, and I don't react to my cat at all.

Shock98 0

so get some allergy medicine.


ladycoyote 0

Allergy shots are wonderful for getting rid of allergies, but they do take awhile. Also, I've been a severely allergic cat owner (by severe I mean that my eyes swell shut and I cough and wheeze and sneeze and all that fun) for years. Not only have the shots nearly eliminated the allergy (I'm not done with treatment yet), but I find that after I live with the same cat for a few weeks I get used to their dander and don't react so badly. Don't give up so quickly. There are options.

YDI because if you had adopted the cat at a shelter instead of buying one, you could have simply returned the kitten to the shelter for another family. But when you buy one, most pet stores have a no return policy.



YDI for buying a cat instead of adopting one.

delipoo26 0

Give it to your parents or get allergy shots but don't abandon it. You already made a mistake if you bought it from a pet store. They purposely breed animals for money which isn't right. For every human in the word there are 45 cats. Rescue from Animal Shelters. Just spreading the word so people know.

i have a cat and i'm allergic to it too! you can make it work by just not allowing it in your bedroom and just washing your hands after you pet it. it's not so bad.

I'm also VERY allergic to cats. (So much so that when I went to pick out a cat I had to take double doses of anti-histamine, inhalers, and I went in with rashes all over my body still. The staff looked at me with slight horror in their eyes and asked me if I knew I was allergic to cats. To which I replied... "Yes! ^_^ Thanks for asking!" If you like them you can still keep them. I use these: allergy shots, anti-histamine, controller inhaler, hepa vacuum and hepa filter. I also wrapped my pillow and mattress in plastic. I do let my cats sleep on my bed (or with me). It makes my doctor very upset but I don't find it that annoying to wake up with a bit of runny nose or itchy eyes.

ladycoyote 0

Um... you do know that there are allergen-blocking cloth pillow/mattress/comforter covers, right? Straight plastic can't be comfortable...

Hope you don't Fthecat'slife by abandoning him! You sound like the tipical "I have pets to please myself" person. Who the **** BUYS a cat??!?! "Selling cats" should sound as weird as "selling kids". let's make the experiment it: Today, I bought a kid. I've wanted children for years and decided to finally buy one now that I have my own apartment. It turns out I'm allergic to kids. FML

Who the **** BUYS a cat?! Where the **** are you supposed to get a cat then, just pick it up off the street? No, selling cats is completely different than selling kids. Animals ≠ people.

Hey I bought my kid! Actually, I didn't. I traded him for a subscription to Parenting Magazine. But why buy a kitten? You can save them from shelters and stuff.

hatcher 0

cats are not our species and we have no biological reason to protect them, or even interact with them in any meaningful way. The only reason we don't eat them is that predator-meat is gross and usually full of pathogens. Buying kittens is a common practice. If you're going to get your knickers in a twist about something, get pissy about war crimes, rape victims, or the continued murder of girl-children in china. That way your frothiness will at least be useful to your species.

My dears, to look only for ur own kind means you will make that choice in every scale. First you, then the others. Which turns out to be the choice of poor and dumb minds. Because not only you think short period ahead, as you are incapable of thinking as a group. This puts as exactly on the position human=all the other animals. She should have picked one from the streets? of course! If you buy one u r feeding a nasty business. If you don't like cats or dogs or whatever, fine, don't have them. If you want to have one take the responsability.

#114, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I get the impression you're being more than a little condescending and self-righteous, though.

First of all get over it since there's medication for that. Second, you should have been able to realize you had allergies before you bought the animal since you were obviously around it and probably other ones as well. All the animal hating freaks come out in posts like this. Ugh. And you're right #79, animals are not the same as people, they're nicer and better behaved.

why do you think we have dogs? to get rid of the cats, ******* dumbass