By annabellebyebye - 16/08/2009 15:18 - United States

Today, I bought a kitten. I've wanted a cat for years and decided to finally buy one now that I have my own apartment. It turns out I'm allergic to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 890
You deserved it 10 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you be aware of that allergy BEFORE you got the cat? You've never had allergy tests done, or gotten a stuffy nose when you were around your friends' cats? I suggest shots if you want to keep it. Either that, or zyrtec. Zyrtec (allergy medication) is WONDERFUL. I'm (supposedly) allergic, and I don't react to my cat at all.

Shock98 0

so get some allergy medicine.


Why does everyone automatically assume allergy medicine will take care of it? And if the allergens are in your house there's no such thing as "mild". A stuffy nose is horrible when you have one every time you are in your own house. I tried every over-the-counter medicine and prescription ones and none of them helped. I had to get the allergy shots which cost a tonnn to get over mine. So no, allergy pills do not solve everything.

kapowi 0

#47, you're an idiot. There is a such thing as a mild allergy, and it's obvious the OP is only mildly allergic to cats. How do I know this? Simple, she's not breaking out in hives and dying, she's posting on FML. So obviously if she got some allergy medication, she'll be just fine. OP, prescription allergy medication is your best bet. My grandmother has two cats in the house and is allergic, but she's fine when she takes her medication. You'll only have very mild symptoms, if any, and let's face it - it's worth it for a kitten. (kittens are adorable!)

Depending on how bad the allergies are, you may be able to keep the cat anyway. My neighbors got cats even though the father was allergic, and they just kept the cats out of the bedroom so that he could go in there to get away if it was bad, and he eventually got over them.

YDI for getting a cat. Most of the irritable little furry bastards would eat your face off if you gave them half a chance.

Yeah, a cat is a lot worse then a noisy dog who barks at every god damn thing that moves, is attracted to the wheels of moving cars, and ***** and pisses on the floor in your house. Yeah, dogs are definitely better!

Only poorly trained dogs with lazy dipshit owners do those things. Also, at no point did I say or imply that dogs are better than cats.

You've got a kitten, now time to get an allergist. Shots, Singulair, Advair, Nasocort. Ten years later and trust me, it's a pain, but the cat's worth it.

What is it with cats these days making people FTL?

If you've wanted a cat for years, surely you have spent at least some time around them over that course of time. How could you have not known you were allergic? Perhaps you should have spent some time getting to know cats and what owning one is like. If you had been a responsible prospective pet owner and actively shown interest by gaining experience and education, you would have figured out you were allergic to them and this scenerio could have been avoided entirely.

bob1233 0

3 FMLS about cats in a row !