By annabellebyebye - 16/08/2009 15:18 - United States

Today, I bought a kitten. I've wanted a cat for years and decided to finally buy one now that I have my own apartment. It turns out I'm allergic to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 890
You deserved it 10 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you be aware of that allergy BEFORE you got the cat? You've never had allergy tests done, or gotten a stuffy nose when you were around your friends' cats? I suggest shots if you want to keep it. Either that, or zyrtec. Zyrtec (allergy medication) is WONDERFUL. I'm (supposedly) allergic, and I don't react to my cat at all.

Shock98 0

so get some allergy medicine.


lolliluxe 0

Please don't give the cat up until you've exhausted all options. Also, it's not uncommon for this to happen. Every 7 or 8 years your body chemistry changes. My boyfriend used to be allergic to cats, but now we have 4.

fyb's life. notice how she didn't say he was no longer allergic, sounds to me like the poor bastard got badgered into having FOUR GODDAMMED CATS! Are you serious? 4 ******* cats? why on earth would you need so many? I can understand 2 at the most. Yeah, definitely FYB's life. You bitch.

lolliluxe 0

I didn't give my life story, but since you have no information about how I got FOUR cats, I'll go ahead and fill in the blank spots for you, two cats he adopted himself before I even moved on. IMAGINE THAT! Oh, and his idea to adopt the fourth, since it was a stray. Oh, and obviously, when I said the part where we now have four cats - ONE [who is smart enough] would conclude that meant it was no longer an issue. =) Way to go! Woo hoo, you're a ******* nimrod.

I used to be allergic to cats, but then I got one and my allergies went away. Don't give her up, chances are your allergies will get better.

You haven't been exposed to cats till NOW?! I'm guessing you're at least 18 since you have an apartment. I think you deserve this one for deciding you want a cat when you haven't even been near one

I think this should depend on how much you love the cat/how bad your allergies are. My mom and I are both allergic to cats and we have one. It depends on whether you can live with the allergies or not. Either way, that really sucks. :/

I hate to say it, but you need to get rid of the cat. I don't know a good way to do it, but I do know a bad way that you shouldn't do. As it turns out, "eating pussy" means something completely different and is not a practical method for getting rid of a cat.

Agreed. But no matter HOW you take the phrase "eating pussy", it can still be a practical way of getting hair stuck in your teeth.

Well, since she got it as a kitten, she lowers the chance of that attitude developing. My two twins are extremely sweet and great big push overs, along with their older sister. Meanwhile, their cousin... was not so much lol, so it doesn't work all the time.

big woop if your allergic. i'm super allergic to all furry animals and that doesn't stop me from owning 4.

doubleAbattery 0

How severe is the allergy? If all you get is a stuffy nose, then that's not too bad. If you break out in hives and your throat closes up, I'd suggest getting a stuffed cat. Then you can use your imagination and pretend it's real.

pandapire 5

haha that really is horrible. rofl hahahahaha