By Anonymous - 26/02/2010 11:11 - Norway

Today, I bought Plan B for the first time. Not because I had unprotected sex, but to make the cashier think someone would actually sleep with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 826
You deserved it 43 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would the person at the pharmacy counter care whether or not you're having sex? Pathetic.

YDI for wasting $50 on someone who will forget about you seconds after leaving the store.


bread_fml 0

You'd get the same results by buying condoms and without looking irresponisble. Idiot.

matthew33_fml 0

Well if you ask I'll sleep with u ;)

alaroo101 0

This is just lame. I have had to buy Plan B, and I was so embarassed it's definitely something that you should not take pride in buying. Or pride that you bought it to make others think you were having sex. Who the f--k cares of what other people think. They probably think you are some **** for buying it. Next time, save the money and go find someone to screw. There are plenty of people out there.

Wow do you really have to "prove yourself" to a random cashier? I wouldn't even buy such a thing, people whould actually think I was weird and crazy for it, especially if I was buying it on purpose when I didn't even need it. But whatever, your call, but I don't think that makes you any more attractive.

xmagster 0

OP, you are a ******* idiot. WHY in the HEll do you give 2 ***** about what a CASHIER thinks about you?! You are attempting to "impress" them by showing them that you where, too drunk/ irresponsible/ skanky to use your birth control correctly? WOW. THAT"S HOT. Please use birth control you ever do do it, because we don't need any more dumb people in the world... ¬¬