By sting - 06/12/2014 01:32 - United States - Valencia

Today, I broke a glass case containing my pet scorpions. I still can't find them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 657
You deserved it 16 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colton_colton 49
Hiimhaileypotter 52

I wouldn't be able to sleep... I hope you can find them. Look in quiet dark places and don't stick your hands anywhere you can't see!


unicornluver3173 13
maddieex 14

You deserved it for having pet scorpions

Ydi. Why would you get scorpions in the first place..

LostInTheZone11 29

If they have not molted recently, get a black light. They will glow. If they have molted recently, they won't.

This seems like a risk you run when har boring pet scorpions. Not saying you deserve it, but you probably need a contingency plan.

Maybe they were stolen. You know, arachnicked.

I don't mean to be rude but they aren't pets. Pets are something you can pick up, cuddle and love. A set of deadly as hell scorpions aren't pets!

People keep all kinds of crazy things as pets. Snakes, tarantula's, hermit crabs. Just cos it's not cuddly doesn't mean it's not a pet to some people.

Yeah but something you fear isn't a pet. My parents knew a guy who had scorpions and he was afraid of them. He one day decided to unseperate their tank so they could mate. Turns out they were males and.... It didn't end well.

Agreed. But it seems to me that OP isn't scared of them, but worried about them being loose. Maybe they live with someone that isn't keen on scorpions.

I have a pet hermit crab because that's my birth sign

Hermit crabs are cool, I once knew one named mini

flv88 14