By sting - 06/12/2014 01:32 - United States - Valencia

Today, I broke a glass case containing my pet scorpions. I still can't find them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 657
You deserved it 16 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colton_colton 49
Hiimhaileypotter 52

I wouldn't be able to sleep... I hope you can find them. Look in quiet dark places and don't stick your hands anywhere you can't see!


If you are really scared just turn down your houses temperature so the scorpions freeze to death ;)

They like to hide in dark places, usually areas that are snug fits for them so that they can face out whilst being well protected from all sides. Good luck locating them all OP, hope they are all found safe and well.

Check your shoes before putting them on and anywhere you will sit or lay down. You don't want to get stung.

kawaii666 19

Hope they don't reproduce quick

who keeps scorpions the are dangerous as ****.

I thought not being able to find spiders would be terrifying.

BlazeCaravelli 13

why do you have scorpions anyway? ydi.