By sting - 06/12/2014 01:32 - United States - Valencia

Today, I broke a glass case containing my pet scorpions. I still can't find them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 657
You deserved it 16 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colton_colton 49
Hiimhaileypotter 52

I wouldn't be able to sleep... I hope you can find them. Look in quiet dark places and don't stick your hands anywhere you can't see!


Mooglefox 23

Get a UV light. They glow under those lights

Exactly why you shouldn't keep scorpions as pets...

I can help. Alright. Scorpions prefer cooler areas. Depending on the type of your "cute and cuddly" pets, they'll be hiding in different places. Look for them under places. IE) under the bed, under the refrigerator. Try to lure your scorpions out with food. Have fun sleeping

and you're sitting around telling us about it? o.o find those little ***** before you wake to them sitting on you while you sleep!

This is why you should never have a pet you aren't comfortable being in the same bed with.

NaturalBornChaos 9

That is exactly why I won't keep anything that I'm not comfortable getting out of its enclosure, I'll keep fish, snakes, turtles, frogs, salamanders, and dogs, but Arachnids and insects are definitely out of the question, not to mention the possibly of needing medical attention after a not so great encounter.

Why do you have pet scorpions in the first place???

Same reason people have pet spiders, snakes, birds, crabs, and other strange creatures. Anything can be a pet to some people. Hell some even have pet monkeys.

At least now you will know for sure what is crawling around at night, while you sleep. Hahah.