By nico - 01/07/2011 04:15 - United States

Today, I broke my collarbone in a rugby tournament. I was forced to sit through five more hours of games because the coach wouldn't take me to the hospital until the tournament was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 817
You deserved it 3 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

And there's no medical staff at this tournament why?

I ******* hate it when people argue about sports.


What kind of rugger are you?! That's part of the risk you run playing the game. If you don't like it, go join a quilting circle and quit whining, you pansy!

puss I broke mine and biked home 15 miles :)

I broke my collarbone and I didnt get to the hospital till the next day. didn't hurt at all

the thing is, there is nothing the doctors can do about the collarbone except give you some perscribed painkillers... and all you need is some advil.

SnifflyG 9

ok #6 football isnt anything like rugby and football players kick all rugby players asses. ur all 150 pound kids playing smear the quire basicly. and if you brake any bone its gunna hurt. stop calling him a pussy u ass holes

You should've gone to the hospital with someone else then! Sucks though.

You should've gone to the hospital with someone else then! Sucks though.