By nico - 01/07/2011 04:15 - United States

Today, I broke my collarbone in a rugby tournament. I was forced to sit through five more hours of games because the coach wouldn't take me to the hospital until the tournament was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 822
You deserved it 3 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

And there's no medical staff at this tournament why?

I ******* hate it when people argue about sports.


hateevryone 14

and wasn't anybody else there that could've taken you?

a broken colorbone doesn't even hurt. well only like a bruise because that's what happened to me when i was seven and i didn't even shed a single tear.... SUCK IT UP!!!!! be a man!!!!

What's a colorbone? Please, enlighten me.

JokeMeister 0

no asst. coaches, hunh? SUE!!!

practicesafesax 0

that's why we in America play football.

You need the pads because you are *******

Getjynxd 2

Lol why does every1 say sue? Suck it up

ryanreers 0

I know how you feel, I broke my collarbone in Italy playing football and had to sit through the game.

I broke my collarbone a few months ago so I know how much that hurts. I was without painkillers for like 30 minutes and i was in complete agony. But 5 hours!?

I wouldve broken his collarbone then be like... So ready to go now..!?

ever hear of using a cellphone and calling an ambulance ?