By nico - 01/07/2011 04:15 - United States

Today, I broke my collarbone in a rugby tournament. I was forced to sit through five more hours of games because the coach wouldn't take me to the hospital until the tournament was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 822
You deserved it 3 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

And there's no medical staff at this tournament why?

I ******* hate it when people argue about sports.


shouldn't have broken your collarbone then

a doctor can't do much more about a broken collarbone than u or I could

that sounds like my lacrosse coach after I broke my leg lol good thing he didn't make me play

doesn't that suck I play it tho I love it I li e gettin hurt I had the same thing well I just didn't get it broken lol gotta love girls rugby

imapyro1996 4

your a pussy I broke my collarbone when I was ten and waited two days before my parents found out it was bad enough to go to a hospital for, they just thought it was sprained

jaytee1994 9

I know tht pain. I broke my collar bone as well. it hurts like a bitch

man the **** up. a girl on my rugby team waited through an entire game and some and she had a dislocated knee. her leg was at a ******* angle!

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

The sport is not relevant... tell your coach to go **** himself, then kick him in the pills, then make him wait for hours, to recover, (Kickin that asshole in the pills as much as needed) then walk away telling him his wife is a great lay... he's an asshole... so hand it to him!!!!

ummm, hello dumbass - ever here of a phone and 911. then sue the coach.

CateXOX 0

And what would 911 do? Bring a team of paramedics out to give OP an ice pack and a few encouraging words? It would waste their time.