By nico - 01/07/2011 04:15 - United States

Today, I broke my collarbone in a rugby tournament. I was forced to sit through five more hours of games because the coach wouldn't take me to the hospital until the tournament was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 817
You deserved it 3 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

And there's no medical staff at this tournament why?

I ******* hate it when people argue about sports.


I went a week without knowing I had snapped my collar bone but really there isn't much the hospital can do unless it's totally crushed

that's sooooooooo brutal, I broke mine and the pain was the worst thing ever. hopefully yours heals well!!!!

that sucks, but you're bad ass for playing the greatest sport invented. :)

I broke my collar bone really bad and it was almost coming through my skin. I needed surgery, but they couldn't get my surgery in for 17 days so I had to live 17 in a ton of pain doing EVERYTHING with a very badly broken collar bone!!!

CateXOX 0

Please refer to the moron a few posts above you that made almost the exact same comment.

You could have taken yourself. You don't need his permission.

Not all sports are shit: worlds strongest man, speed climbing, bike trials (obstacle course), aerial skateboarding, womens beach volleyball, hang gliding, pole vaulting, etc...