By nico - 01/07/2011 04:15 - United States

Today, I broke my collarbone in a rugby tournament. I was forced to sit through five more hours of games because the coach wouldn't take me to the hospital until the tournament was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 822
You deserved it 3 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

And there's no medical staff at this tournament why?

I ******* hate it when people argue about sports.


eaarreola 3

And why didn't you ask someone else to take you?

boredbah 0

Five hours? When I was 8 I broke my collar bone really badly and I didn't get taken to the hospital until two days later.

If it's a school team, you most likely signed something saying you can't sue them. As for the collar bone, ice is really the only thing you can do, it will heal on it's own

Egnar 19

Which, implies that when you're injured to a certain degree you will treated appropriately. Because nothing happened in this situation there is not only no real case to sue or chance of winning but had something threatening happened due to the untreated condition that the coach was aware about it would have been perfectly fine to sue, even with those previsions.

Lawbynature 0

dude suck it up it's rugby!!!

RedPillSucks 31

So you could have called someone (a parent) to rush you to the hospital emergency room, where you would be dealt with promptly, after waiting in the waiting room for 5hrs. wait, what????

my little cousin broke her collar bone during gymnastics practice

CateXOX 0

Fascinating. Is this the part where we pretend to care?

cuddlebunny3548 11

Weren't your parents there to take you?

I broke my collar bone snowboarding and ended up having to snowboard down the other half of the mountain since I couldn't find ski patrol. FYL; I sympathize.