By anon... - 26/08/2016 04:10 - United States - Washington

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend of almost 4 months. He was always worried I would cheat on him, so he cheated on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 463
You deserved it 1 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always seems to be that whatever your SO is constantly accusing you of, they're almost certainly guilty of. ****** up. You're better off OP, stay strong!

Always seems to happen like that. It may not feel like it at the moment, but you're better off <3 hope you're okay OP


Goblin182 26

He thought you would cheat on him so he cheated on you back, first.

I am so sorry. obviously he's just using that as an excuse to make it ok with you. it is not

FalloutScrolls 25

That to me sounds like the dumbest excuse to get out of a relationship, ever. I'm sorry, OP.

So sorry for your experience: this can also happen after 18 years of marriage so the silver lining is that you avoided a longer entanglement with an individual who needs therapy.

Lol exact same thing happened to me. Spilled his guts out to me about all the girls who cheated on him and how he's so self conscious that he isn't good enough and how all the cheating hurt him and made him cry. He told me he never cheated on anyone, even when they cheated on him several times. Guess what? He ended up kissing his female friend one month into our relationship and told me he did it because he's always been secretly in love with her, after we had a talk saying we both don't mind if we have friends of the opposite sex. And guys wonder why we don't like them having female friends or even talking to other women. Only took a month to ruin that trust lol.

Yes, because every guy who has female friends is going to do that... I get where you're coming from, and you definitely have a reason to not trust it after what you've been through, but that "guys wonder why we don't like them having female friends" line is really unfair. I have several male friends who have never once cheated on their girlfriends with other girls they knew. Please don't generalize just because one guy you went out with was an ass.

literally no one said every guy who has female friends cheats, 23. chill

Leviathene 34

Whatever some people might say, you did NOT deserve this. We need to stop blaming people for the actions of others. There is no excuse in the world that would make this situation right, and it proves he doesn't respect you. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life OP.

I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. seems like he's a dick

I think there was a study done that found that the less a person trusted their partner to stay loyal, the more likely the person was to cheat on their partner... Either way, this is really unfortunate. Him cheating is all on him, OP. Him being worried you would cheat on him was almost 100% a lie to justify cheating in his mind. If you've had sex with him at any point, you should get tested for STD's, especially since he cheated on you.