By anon... - 26/08/2016 04:10 - United States - Washington

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend of almost 4 months. He was always worried I would cheat on him, so he cheated on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 463
You deserved it 1 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always seems to be that whatever your SO is constantly accusing you of, they're almost certainly guilty of. ****** up. You're better off OP, stay strong!

Always seems to happen like that. It may not feel like it at the moment, but you're better off <3 hope you're okay OP


It has been my experience that most people tend to think of others as being somewhat like themselves. If they are excessively suspicious and untrusting (unless they have previously been betrayed) there is a good chance it is because they are themselves untrustworthy. I think OP found out that for herself about her ex.

TMO2142 25

Well we know who the loyal one is here!

no he cheated because he is a cheater. it's called projection.

melana09 19

Four months is better then four years. Sorry that he had to end that way. On the bright side your better off. Trust is one of main keys to a healthy relationship

Unlucky1232 20

da **** kinda logic is that?

You deserve better. He cheated because he wanted to, not because you suspected him of it.

Your boyfriend of almost 4 months? Im sorry but did he know you guys were exclusive??? Im wondering if you guys ever talked about it, or you thought you guys were and he didnt and thought it was ok to see/sleep with other people. Just saying.

If he didn't know they were exclusive, then why would he constantly be worried and accuse her of cheating? 4 months might not be long, but it's long enough to be exclusive. I was exclusive with my boyfriend after a week.

Tsukiyomi 16

Can't fix stupid, can't fix crazy