By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 03:42 - United States

Today, I brought a cupcake to school for my friend's birthday. After taking one bite, she exclaimed that it was the worst thing she had ever tasted and that we should sue the store that I bought it from. I baked it myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 544
You deserved it 5 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, umm... Let's see, bright side, bright side, bright side... At least your cupcakes LOOK store-bought? Sorry, that's all I've got.

Agree with #5. Even if my friend had bought the cupcakes and they were horrible, I'd still try to be nice about it for her having bought them for me.


Ur friend is an ungrateful douchebag and OMG ur cupcakes taste bad really just FYL! Loser...

Shit between 2 pieces of bread and offer your friend a "nutella sandwich" as revenge for being such a douche.

mintcar 9

How bad could it have really been? Did you actually bake it from scratch or was it from a box? Also, your friend is rude. Next time, don't bother doing anything nice for her.

You can't cook, deal with it. Ahem, dealwithit.jpg

OP, were you baked while baking it? If so that's probably why the cupcake was so gross...and for those of you who don't know the term baked, don't get too confused

"Not everyone has money for fancy 'baking guides'"?! You're on the internet! Just Google 'cupcake recipe' FFS!

Kiggerz989 0

pretty sure he was being sarcastic 36 lol.

yea I'm with the asain emo WTF you can't cook... just kill yourself now

emo? lolwhat. my left side is buzzed cut, with 3 awesome piercings on my ear. No sir, I'm not "emotional".