By Anonymous - 24/01/2010 16:12 - United States

Today, I called a suicide prevention hotline. No one picked up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 491
You deserved it 6 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redblueviolet 0

Owch, that's a kick to the balls. But don't let a phone line discourage you. Just keep swimming...

Do what Barney does, when he is sad. He stops being sad, and instead, becomes awesome. You should do this too


ilmlsm 0
ChemChef 0

OP, I hope you're still around. Talking takes courage, and I'm very sorry your courage wasn't rewarded. But, as originalfinn and others have said, there are many other places and people to turn to. I'm also suffering, and have been for years. Only very recently have I begun to trust. Please, let yourself do the same. No one deserves to go it alone. You are loved, and I swear the weight will lift if you let people in. It's a process. Take it a day at a time. Every little bit of talking helps. Be well.

Cowless 0

The zombies have learned to Internet!

sterl13 0

best fml ever!!! firsties!!!

Please do not choose to end your life. Please it is not worth it. People still care about you and you will make many people upset with this vicious act of violence. Again it is not worth it. Please find someone to talk to. There is no need to make this tragic decision.

peace143bean 0
cait_ssg 0

You shouldnt listen to half the people on here. everyones life is worth living. take advantage of life while you can :)