By Peta2nNoMore - 04/07/2009 10:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I came home and found a few of my faux fur coats completely butchered. On my way to interrogate my boys, the only ones home, I found our husky dog, who was recently shaved for an operation, covered in the fur that once belonged to my coat. My boys said 'he was cold'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 10 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well yay for you for wearing faux instead of real!


It was fake fur - that's what FAUX means. Gods, how do so many not know how to read?

lyndis_fml 0

Your kids are seriously retarded. Why didn't they just put a blanket on the dog? There's a lot of ways to solve that problem without destroying property.

notnormal 0

No they're not retarded. quite the opposite actually. They saw a problem, and decided that using fake fur would warm the dog up. The only fake fur they had around was the coats. It was actually brilliant, but I'm sorry to the OP that your compassion for animals wasn't exactly rewarded. At least buying faux fur instead of real fur will earn you some karmic points! :) Although I have to say, fur, fake or otherwise, looks absolutely horrible on people. It's not attractive at all, but if you must wear it, congrats on being humane!

mylittlecrow 0
jane99 0

I bet everyone who is against wearing fake fur isn't a vegetarian.

I wonder why they didn't just put an intact coat on the dog.


lol my mom owns REAL expensive fur your for is people who cant afford real fur. If it had happened with realyl fur that would have been different but faux fur thats poor shit to us.

you may be rich, but you're a tosser, you cant spell for shit, and you're generally a huge jackass.

Well congratulations to your mom for being rich... You are aware that her having earned money doesn't make you rich too right?...

As close as I can tell, it's your own fault. Not for leaving the kids home, but for having a dog.

jaye_elle_quinn 0

You can't fault the compassion of your boys... It's definitely an indication of great parenting! Be proud!