By WhyTheFNot - 20/06/2009 18:06 - United States

Today, I came home from work and had to pee so badly that I ran to the bathroom and ripped my pants down. My touch screen phone dropped from my pocket and started calling my boyfriend. Since I couldn't quite reach the phone, I left a message of me peeing on his cell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 472
You deserved it 9 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WOOOOOW... just claim it accidentally called him when you were doing the dishes

Phoenix_GAD 0

fail. lol i have a touch screen too. it calls random people.


that was you who left the message! oh that gross

Antoyal 3

OP, you may very well have propelled your relationship to the next level. You'll know it's so if he "accidentally" leaves you a message while heaving out a grogan or something. Ew, I just grossed myself out.

fuckmyparents 0

I'd be glad it was my boyfriend instead of someone that would be awkward around you after the situation hahaa

Sambo110 0

Also, he wouldn't know it's from you so just never mention it, and just laugh and say what the hell if he ever tells you.

HAHAHA!!! omg I would be so embarrased... I understand y you say FYL but hopefully your bf has a sense of humor =D

Lil_Ms_Trble 0

Would have been worse, had you called your boss

Lmao, I actually laughed for a while when I saw this.

misery09 0

Although slightly embarassing.. everybody pee's so it shouldn't be a big deal. =)