By spiritbeast33 - 11/09/2013 06:17 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I came out of the closet. Now whenever I'm getting ready to go somewhere with my dad he says, "Lesgo, lesbo." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 444
You deserved it 13 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolita88_fml 27

I like your dad, he seems to have a sense of humor.

At least he's not making it worse than that


I hope you take the many retorts posted here and put them to good use. You both can lovingly bash the other.

SwtCherryPie 26

Would you prefer him to be an asshole to you?

tjv3 10

Anyone read the story of the rugby player that was in an accident and had some brain damage? He was straight then was in an accident went into a coma , and then when he woke up he was gay. OP I'm not sayi g you have brain damage it's just the subject of the post that made me remember the story. Glad your dad has a sense of humor. He will stop saying it after a while .

That is incredible! Can't stop laughing! Don't be insulted, just be chill. I'm sure you'll fin someway to pull the joke on him later.

That's not a bad thing! Obviously he's got minimal issues with your sexuality because I can imagine the number of really horrible things he could've said. Be glad you're accepted, unlike so many other gay and lesbian people who come out to their parents!!

At least he is trying to put humor into it and not disown you like most parents would .

iajm02 13
HalseyZ 7

I think your dad has an amazing sense of humor... If he's late for something, you could say "I don't wait for straights."

Consider yourself lucky! There are a lot of "parents" who would disown you when you need them the most! Hopefully he isn't being hateful and his ill-mannered "joke" will have a short life. I wish you nothing but happiness!