By spiritbeast33 - 11/09/2013 06:17 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I came out of the closet. Now whenever I'm getting ready to go somewhere with my dad he says, "Lesgo, lesbo." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 444
You deserved it 13 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolita88_fml 27

I like your dad, he seems to have a sense of humor.

At least he's not making it worse than that


thegreycat_fml 12

On one hand, if he's saying it in a teasing way, t least he's not being an ass. On the other, that still kinda sucks. Try asking him to stop I guess? Hope he listens if you do. Also, you go girl!

Good for you for being brave and standing up for who you are - BRAVO! Now tell your dad that's it's insensitive MALE assholes like him that got you to where you are.

Women aren't gay because of male assholes.

At least he accepted you for being a lesbian

Best u can do is tell u dont like it. Or make him really uncomfortable with lesbian jokes. Or jst be happy he still accepts you

yellowpoppyseed 5

I would and probably will be disowned

Good luck with that. It can be hard to be true to yourself, but it beats living a lie.

amyshort 2