By Nicole - 08/07/2009 00:36 - United States

Today, I caught my little brother peeping at my friend getting dressed in the bathroom. When I asked him what he was doing he said "I'm just doing what Ray does to you while you're in the bathroom." Ray is my new step dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 139 830
You deserved it 5 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments


mmmyeahsaraa 0

omg thats ******* creepy!! FYLLLLLL !!!

Why the **** did you waste time writing this when you should be trying to get your step dad out of your life!!

Oh God, move in with your dad! And tell your mom that she sure knows how to pick em!

ewwwwwwwwww! perv! when hes sleeping, just beat him up!!!

If I could click the "I agree, your life is f***ed" button more than once, I sure would

Lau_fml 0

Call the cops? For crying out loud... learn to close a door first!

ugh, sadly I know people that have had to go through this. it's not as easy as "just tell someone" and it all goes away

augustdanielle 0

Yeah, this is actually pretty serious. :x Tell your mom!!!