By Anonymous - 20/09/2013 21:04 - United States - Carpentersville

Today, I caught my roommate trying to use my flashlight as a dildo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 290
You deserved it 4 480

Same thing different taste


First it's yours doesn't she have her own flashlight to ********** with?

maggiefox 25

Guess it's her flashlight now...

happyfingers 15

Well that situation could've been a lot better... But it also could've been worse, right? And least it was just a flashlight. And now you know what to get her for her next birthday/Christmas!

"Trying" to use it? Does that mean s/he didn't succeed? LOL!

I have to wonder.. Which end was, uh, in?

Hm, at least you don't eat with it. Trust me, another roommate op had it a tad bit worse. Hope you can sort it out.