By Mrs. Teacher - 18/09/2012 00:21 - United States - Suwanee

Today, I collected my students' notes in class to check them. One girl, who is always drawing weird anime crap in her sketchbook, turned in just one piece of paper that read, "FUCK YOUR CLASS." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 710
You deserved it 23 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as a teacher shouldn't be doing this, it makes perfect blackmail!

AphyTheBronette 15

Mrs Crabby cakes it's not " weird anime crap" it's technically a form of art. Maybe the girl will grow up to be a great manga artist. Instead try this new concept encourage your students, even if it's outside your comfort zone on traditional art. Oh and talk with her parents she's obviously got anger issues.


tne201992 12

Well the damn kid shouldn't have been drawing anime in the first place. They have other classes for that. He/she is wasting their education.

lovelyspyder 7

I hope u got the little bitch suspended.

tne201992 12

The teacher shouldn't be judgmental, but then again the student is wasting their education by drawing and doodling.

Maybe she's aiming for a career in the arts? From what I've seen, a lot of aspiring artists use anime as a stepping stone to learn about anatomy, so I don't see it as a waste if she hands in her work. As far as we know, this is the only time she didn't hand in the notes (even though collecting notes is a stupid idea. If you want people to pay attention then make a quiz.) However, I agree that she shouldn't have been drawing in class.

Using anime to study anatomy? I really hope she didn't, anime anatomy is pretty bad. I love watching anime, so I'm not some kind of hater. But if the student wants to get better at arts, using anime as example isn't a great way to start. I made the same mistake and it's hard to lose the animestyle.

Studying human anatomy medically is actually a good way to do it. It's certainly helped me out, and you learn something new! c:

kayliers 5

I draw in all my classes. I'm going to go to art school. That girl might be too. It's not a waste. Drawing is more useful than most of the crap we learn in school.

lovelyspyder 7

Ok, listen here all u little pukes- this kid shouldn't be drawing in any class but art class. She needs to be paying the **** attention to the lesson. This teacher prolly called it "crap", because this kid is drawing instead of learning, and it's gotten really annoying. Regardless of how a student feels about a class, they need to at least be RESPECTFUL.

She never said she was drawing in class. She could know that she draws anime by her showing her friends. But not once in the FML did she say "She draws during my class"

Hey i drew on my paper while taking notes because either i wrote all the important stuff OR the teacher is rambling about things that weren't about the subject. And i got A's becuase my essays were detailed. So you shouldn't judge.

julieanne719 0

I agree, and if the teacher notices she "always" drawing it would sugget it's during class when he would see. There's nothing that says he expresses his negative opinion of her "art" around her.

Doodling contributes focus and attention. Look it up before posting vulgar language for no apparent reason. It doesn't make you come off very intelligently.

SakeGurl 9

Respect is earned, If the teacher is a disrespectful judgmental bitch, then why should the girl respect her?

lovelyspyder 7

Judging from most comments on this app, vulgarity is the only thing most teenagers pay attention to. My level of intelligence has absolutely nothing to do with how I choose to speak. I communicate with people at their level. When speaking with adults, I use my broad vocabulary. Not seeing much of that on here, I simply adapt to the language most seem to understand best. Next?

I doodle in class all the time! 4.1 GPA Like a boss! Do EC peoples!

julieanne719 0

Doodling on note isn't the same as making detailed drawings in a sketch book. One would help with focus, the other requires full attention.

the only way I can process and remember the information a teacher says in any class, is my focusing every sense aside from my hearing on drawing in my notebook. since my teachers have forced me to stop drawing during their classes, I've been suffering a lot of memory loss (which is mainly related in school), and I have had a much more difficult time doing projects or papers on topics from a class.

37- Do you mean Anime is NOT crap? Also I don't see the harm in her drawing in her sketchbook. At least she isn't drawing on her desk or the work she hands in. What she did was unacceptable though.

Even though she shouldnt be drawing, it is still not nice to call anime crap

you deserve it! I always hated when teachers looked at notes, even back then I thought they should actually be teaching us something, not be picky about how i take notes and what i need to write down to help me remember what we learned. Notes are personal and to grade them is stupid, you need to focus on teaching not making students take notes the way you see fit. i found keeping my hands busy while listening helped me remember much better. once you grade notes then as a student i was more worried about spelling and how the paper looked rather than actually paying attention

julieanne719 0

Most teachers grade for completion, not quality. And if your hands need to be busy, why not write instead of draw?

That's the way my physics teacher is. In her class we have to complete every assignment twice, and she takes off for things like not using a comma, writing in the margins, or using pronouns. When teachers start doing things like that students become more concerned with doing things "correctly" than actually learning the material presented them.

It is scientifically proven that doodling and such help concentration, which is a good thing. And as a teacher you should know better than to call other peoples interests, like the girls interest in anime, crap. I have no clue whatsoever why you where checking their notes, but notes are a personal thing. What they need or do not need to write down to efficiently remember the subject depends solely on them, not you. And since it's just notes, I don't see why she can't draw on them. Yeah, it's immature to doodle on a test or assignment you should hand in, but not on your ******* notes. I mostly only drew and doodled in class, never taking notes, and I have excellent grades. I can't concentrate on whatever the teacher is trying to say while simultaneously try to write it down, so notetaking only leads to a lot of missed teachertalk. How people best learn is individual, so unless a student is disrupting class or failing, let them be.

julieanne719 0

If the student is drawing in a sketchbook, they are obvious no paying attention to the class, and whether you agree the teacher should be requiring note taking doesn't change the fact they're student is not doing required work, choosing instead to do something as disrespectful as this.

redmane 21

I draw in lectures. I have ADD and it helps me concentrate. Drawing in a sketchbook is the same as drawing on any other paper. My professors are completely okay with it because they don't give a shit. If I get As, I'm fine. Not all teachers think it's disrespectful.

45, because you didn't spend one second at school not paying attention or ******* around? I assume shes an adolescent, and I can't speak for all but I clearly remember sitting in class a lot of the time being super bored and having my mind wander to far more important teenage things.