By Anonymous - 24/05/2009 23:39 - United States

Today, I confronted my fiancé and told him I knew his 'little secret'. I had suspected that he had been ruining his wedding diet by eating pizza at the office. He replied that the affair with his secretary had only been going on for a couple of months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 185
You deserved it 8 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nananna915 0

Dump him, dump him immediately

Yulia_fml 0

Thank goodness you found out now! But really, his secretary? How un-original.


Seriously. What part of your psyche told you "hey, it's a BRILLIANT idea to confront him over absolutely nothing, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?"

lmmmr 0

#109, your reading comprehension skills have obviously failed you. She was confronting him over something else. How is that even remotely correlated to his cheating? Whether she confronted him or not, he would still be doing it. You fail.

liveitlearnit 0

#59, did you really try to justify his betrayal of his fiance? Come on now. Cheating is NEVER okay. Ever.

Yeah that must really suck, if u havnt already, dump. him. now.

haha, only a couple months and yeah, that sucks, a lot

I wish all the people saying they went on a diet together would stop and think for a moment. If he was doing it willingly, would he be sneaking in pizza, and would she feel the need to confront him about it? I may be sleeping with someone else's husband, but at least I'm not a deluded moron. :D

lmmmr 0

#115- What does that matter? He cheated on his future wife. That can not be justified by her suggesting he lose a few pounds. At all. Your moral compass is obviously a little skewed.

No, my moral compass points right where I want it. Biologically, humans are not monogamous. Why should I conform to some antiquated concepts of right and wrong? I do what makes me happy. :D

dg72592_fml 0

you put him on a wedding diet? really?