By Anonymous - 24/05/2009 23:39 - United States

Today, I confronted my fiancé and told him I knew his 'little secret'. I had suspected that he had been ruining his wedding diet by eating pizza at the office. He replied that the affair with his secretary had only been going on for a couple of months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 193
You deserved it 8 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nananna915 0

Dump him, dump him immediately

Yulia_fml 0

Thank goodness you found out now! But really, his secretary? How un-original.


lmmmr 0

I'm not saying your compass is skewed because you maintain non-monogamous relationships, but because you think that someone deserves betrayal and heartbreak because they might have suggested a healthy diet. Regardless of whether you believe in monogamy or not, or even love, you have to believe in honesty and respect. And the value system you're suggesting completely undermines that.

Honesty? Respect? Surely, you jest. Suggesting a healthy diet is one thing. Enforcing it and confronting a man you supposedly love and respect (even as a joke) because you suspect they were going behind your back is not respectful in any way whatsoever. "Honey, I'm worried about your health" and "You need to lose weight before we get married" are two very separate and very distinct concepts. You don't sneak pizza behind someone's back if you're willingly working together towards a healthy goal. You do it if you are being screamed at by a shrew who wants to show up her high school friends by flaunting photos of her "catch".

edte22 0

Women should know that men HATE when women say stupid little things like this. even tho in this situation the guy obviously did do something wrong, i and many others personally hate things like "i know your little secret" because it automatically gets us worrying even if we didnt do anything.

omg, i am so sorry wat a dick dump him immediatly

dumbbbb 0
lmmmr 0

That's incredibly presumptuous. You are saying that when someone is willingly dieting they follow all guidelines of that diet without fail. By that logic, there would be no obesity. The diet industry makes up a huge portion of corporate revenue in the US for a reason. People always cheat on the diets, even when they are self-imposed. There is no correlation between pizza and bragging shrews. So clearly, the fact that he ate pizza is irrelevant to whether or not he agreed to the diet to begin with. However, if you ignore your entirely unfounded assumptions as to the personality and intentions of the OP, her expectation that he would understand that she was referring to his breaking the diet suggests that it was clearly agreed upon by both parties, and your entire (unfounded) argument that she is a shrew fails. And I fail to see how confronting your partner when you suspect they did something wrong is disrespectful. So, if your argument is really simply that his eating pizza inidcates that she is a shrew, please, try again.

myfairyoshi_fml 0

#12 that was random and awsome XD

You can continue to convince yourself of your magical intellectual superiority, and I will continue to believe that anyone who confronts their future spouse about the HORRORS OF SNEAKING A SLICE PIZZA deserves every misery she gets. I give up trying to be logical here. **** this nonsense. Congrats, your delusions won over my apathy.

It's always the secretary... though, if he didn't have any pizza it would've been delicious.

aldpeace 0

Wow. Sorry kiddo. If you decide to stay with him then you are a better woman than me, but I agree with #20. Nothing and I mean nothing excuses cheating but you gotta ask yourself why he cheated on you in the first place.