By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 22:49 - United States

Today, I couldn't contain my laughter when a patient told me she'd named her unborn daughter Twinkie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 248
You deserved it 5 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

desireev 17

What is wrong with parents nowadays?! Do they hate their kids? There was a mother who was on the news because she named her child "Facebook Me Soon".. WTF?!?!

Heard people would name their kids things like Sparta so that they could introduce them like this: 'THIS, IS, SPARTA!' Gotta admit, it's kind of funny.


I know a lady who called her daughter 'sativa'

Awkward turtle, Sativa is actually quite a common name in some Asian cultures...Don't be ignorant, just cos it's strange for you, doesn't mean it's a stupid or odd name...

One of my friends actually named their kid Jellyroll after some jazz musician. Twinkie is at about the same level. Now, if they actually name the girl Twinkie, she turns out to be blonde, and they buy her an entire yellow wardrobe, then there's major league issues.

day624 14

Sucks, whatif Jellyroll grows up to be chunky

What is wrong with u people. Maybe twinkie has a meaning to the perants

Meaning schmeaning, naming your child is the first big decision you make for your child, and the name is going to affect every sphere of your child's life for the rest of it's life!

We clearly have different opinions about this so u can just go **** urself u dumb ****

linnie_wesker 20

I feel bad for the kid. =/ I mean what if she ends up being a little overweight? Everyone is going to make fun of her because of her name.

twinrlw9 3

How can parents give such names to their children?! Do they know what they are setting their child up for? My orchestra just told me today that he knew someone named asshole but it was pronounced AH-sho-LAY.

yscpunkchick 14

you people claiming to know someone who knows someone named oranjello, lemonjello, and la-a are too damn gullible. and cary is an older male name, not weird.


Omg lol that poor kid is gonna have a rough time grown up...

I got a cousin named Lafushia Edwards Butler... Her mom likes the color fushia and loves Twilight... *shudders*

TuteSweet 13

I really hope that kid doesn't end up fat...