By Checkless chick - 08/05/2013 22:21 - United States

Today, I decided I would try this feature on my banking app which lets me deposit checks by sending a picture of it. The instructions say to rip the check after depositing. The deposit didn't work and now I've got a ripped up paycheck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 114
You deserved it 54 488

Same thing different taste

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So we all know to rip the check after CONFIRMING the deposit was made. Thanks, FML.

Haha, checkmate. Banking app 1 Customer 0


JessiKitty_lol 7

You could have just kept it (or made a copy) for future reference.

Your supposed to rip the check after it clears.

freezingrave 3

I'd keep the check for 30-90 days just in case

Lol what a dumb ass bro, always triple check that it went through first!!!!!or just file your paychecks for a lil while!!!!

Your company will send you a new one in 180 days. Never rip them up, store them safely. That's what I do.

Well Bank of America asks you to wait 48 hours and then destroy the check.

Bank of America...I have the app too...glad to know not to use that feature!

I know what one you're talking about. the tellers told me that it would be a good idea to hold the check for around 14 days in case that happens.