By Checkless chick - 08/05/2013 22:21 - United States

Today, I decided I would try this feature on my banking app which lets me deposit checks by sending a picture of it. The instructions say to rip the check after depositing. The deposit didn't work and now I've got a ripped up paycheck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 114
You deserved it 54 488

Same thing different taste

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So we all know to rip the check after CONFIRMING the deposit was made. Thanks, FML.

Haha, checkmate. Banking app 1 Customer 0


It didn't clear yet...and I would advise ripping it after you know the amount is in your account...

watchitgo 4

i will say it's ydi, but alot of us do depend on technolgy too much. (Me also)

XxWolfyGirlXx 16

You're supposed to hold onto the checks for 14 days then rip it up. Just to make sure it goes in

Yes. After depositing. As in, a successful deposit. YDI.