By dm206 - 10/06/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I decided that I was going to get my front license plate put back on my car after two years of having it off. In these two years I somehow never got pulled over for it, as it is illegal to drive without one in MD. On my way there, I got pulled over for not having a front license plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 142
You deserved it 51 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kmfyr 0

Why did you drive without the plate for two years? o.O

Can't you put your plates on by yourself?


Huh? You were driving someplace to get your plate put back on? I'm no mechanic but even I can put my own plates on. It takes about 2 minutes. How inept are you? Doesn't really matter. You broke a stupid law, but the law none the less, and got a ticket. That's always YDI

Anyone who had never gotten pulled over for it would not bother having them on.

At least its just a fix it ticket And EMR, dont be a jackass. I have to go to a mechanic to put my front plate on. Why? Beacuse my car doesn't have the thing that sits on the front bumber. I have the attachment piece but i needs to be put on my car with a drill or something and if I attempted to do it myself I could potentially ruin my bumper and devalue my car. Don't be such a judgemental prick. How do you know the OP didn't buy a new car that didn't HAVE the attachment for the front plate on her car? And to everyone who is whining. A) it costs money B) quit acting like you'e never done anything wrong. Thankfuly I know the OP probably got a fixit ticket which are cheap and can be refunded if you get it fixed. I hope all of you saying YDI get a jaywalking ticket.

There are a lot of self righteous pricks on this site.

Driving where? You don't know how to put a license plate on yourself? xD

thuryn 2

Interesting. In Missouri, you can drive without ANY plates, so long as you have the proper paperwork (registration or SIGNED title) AND you are on your way to the DMV or your insurance office. That is to say, you can drive the car LEGALLY to the various places you need to go to make it fully legal. Anything else is trouble. You should see if there is such a provision in MD law. I'd click YDI except that you were trying to make it right. The YDI people are all just a bunch of unforgiving facist jerks.

In CA they have the same restriction. My car doesn't have a place for a front plate... oh well.

pinkflame190 0
SirAwesome 0

That reminds me of the time I got pulled over and given a ticket for not having my driver's license on me. I had lost it 3 months before and was driving to the DMV to get a new one.

coheedandcambria 0