By dm206 - 10/06/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I decided that I was going to get my front license plate put back on my car after two years of having it off. In these two years I somehow never got pulled over for it, as it is illegal to drive without one in MD. On my way there, I got pulled over for not having a front license plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 142
You deserved it 51 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kmfyr 0

Why did you drive without the plate for two years? o.O

Can't you put your plates on by yourself?


It took you TWO YEARS to find a couple of screws? You went to pay someone else to do it? You were too stupid to say "Officer, I am on my way to have it repaired right now".

I live in Ohio and have been driving without a front plate for a couple months, but I put my plate up front in my windshield. I haven't gotten pulled over. The reason I haven't put the front one on is because for some reason the screws on the front Honda plate (car was from PA) are corroded, and I was told by two people I have to take the entire bumper off to replace the plate. Weird, but same thing could've happened to the OP...

Haha something like this happened to my dad. His registration sticker was 3 years out of date, and he got pulled over on the way to the DMV to finally renew it. Front plates look weird. In Florida, cars don't even come with holes to mount them, as I found out when I tried to mount my custom plate on my new car.

peepo 0

Ya see, this is why you glue license plates all over your car. Maybe you'll get pulled over for having to many license plates. ROTFL. I'm just kidding. xD x]

Well i guess you wanted to learn your lesson the hard way. 2 years is a long time to fix sumtin like tat.

Am I the only one who assumed OP was female because they couldn't put it on themselves? Holy sexism, Batman! Then again, I just put my own new plates on and it was easy. Ymmv.

comadank 0

maybe th op just needed a bolt hence the driving to get it done. he also never stated he got a ticket ppl need to learn how to read and think