By zappy - 11/10/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I decided to see if electric dog collars work on human necks. They do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 722
You deserved it 119 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course they work on human necks. And YDI for using a shock-collar. That's ******* cruel, now you know what your dog feels lik

Wait, OP. You mean to tell me that humans are capable of sustaining a current of electricity?! MADNESS.


um. didn't they already prove that one on Jacka**?

TJStarzZ 8

You didn't prove a damn thing, OP. You wanted to see if it would work on Humans, not stupid bitches! But seriously, you must have half a brain for trying something stupid like that. I'm 17 and been owning pets since age 4, and never done anything THAT retarded. :l

xenomorph 0

Doubleplusungood! Ownlife unis. Big Brother: doubleplusgood.

It's not cruel. Before the device is set up to deliver light to moderate shocks (depending on the size and temperament of the animal), you are supposed to train the dog into thinking that the beep is bad. Then, the dog already knows the boundaries of your yard. I have them for my dogs, and they work great. They won't even go near the boundaries, or the indoor unit. OP: You are a ******* idiot. It clearly can't distinguish human from dog. Second, just put your fingers on both prongs. Third, you could have gone to this link:

Go on, You liked it didn't you. Ya kinky bastard. ;)

I'm sad to say i've been down this road before to. It didn't end well.

WAIT A MINUTE, did I see you in that youtube video? Were you the lady cop telling that kid to stop resisting so you could try out your shiny new taser?

why dont you use it on yourself some more. it might put some sense in that little squishy pink ball you call a brain!