By Slaanesh - 12/12/2008 12:08 - France

Today, I decided to teach my dog not to be scared of the vacuum cleaner. I grab the handle and get it close to her. She runs off and hides behind the couch and pisses everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 042
You deserved it 38 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dont be such a knob. what did you expect. vacume cleaners emit a high pitch frequency that only some animals can hear, like dogs (think dog whistles). that high pitch freaks them out, its not the loud vacume thats scary. dont you know anything. your a cruel and stupid git.

Poor pup. But perfect opportunity to teach it to love the carpet cleaning machine.


It just sounds like youre a jerk and you wanted to see what would happen. You deserve it! I hope your house stinks like pee.

22cute 17

that's stupid. You're doing it wrong. You cannot teach someone to be unafraid by frightening them.

Nothing made me laugh harder than this comment

in the spirit of facing our fears, please walk alone at night in a dangerous neighbourhood

YellowKettleBell 31

Thumbs up for joke, not for advice.

Put it on a leash next time, that's what I did with my dog and he got over his fear pretty quick

You don't train an animal to stop being afraid of something by trying to bring it closer to them.