By violated ._. - 22/08/2013 22:45 - United States

Today, I did something I'd always wanted to do: I went swimming with dolphins. It was really fun, until I went to kiss the dolphin, and she slipped her tongue half into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 319
You deserved it 15 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yankeesfancg 13

They say dolphins are the most intelligent mammals...


olpally 32

Dolphins are that friendly? Lol damn. Did it at least catch you a fish after it raped your mouth? Haha.

You French kissed a dolphin. Hahaha I can't even imagine how gross that would be to have a fish gut covered tongue in your mouth

browniey 11

Eww but i guess you could consider dolphin showing her affection for you:/?

vanessa09865 23

A whole new type of experimenting; lady-on-lady dolphin

well that was......sensual. even dolphins listen to Katy Perry and heard "i kiss a girl" before you came along :-)

I've seen enough animated videos on the internet to know where this is going...

Dolphin rape is a REAL and SERIOUS issue. Just be glad the deviant didn't take it any further.