By violated ._. - 22/08/2013 22:45 - United States

Today, I did something I'd always wanted to do: I went swimming with dolphins. It was really fun, until I went to kiss the dolphin, and she slipped her tongue half into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 316
You deserved it 15 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yankeesfancg 13

They say dolphins are the most intelligent mammals...


Aaaaand one of the many serial killers of the sea. Seriously, they kill porpoises and baby dolphins for fun. They're terrifying.

So you are admitting to a lack of...uh...performance?

DrownedMyFish 18

He is basically saying that a dolphin is able to pleasure his mate better than he can.

there's videos online of dolphins attempting to rape divers. its traumatizing. I heard they gang rape in caves too. no joke

I think you've been watching too much TheOnion. What am I saying? There's no such thing as watching too much TheOnion!

He's actually telling the truth, which makes it slightly more disturbing. Dolphins, widely heralded at least one of the, if not the most intelligent species on our planet next to humans, are also one of the few species that regularly have members who attempt to rape others, ignoring their gender, age or even species. And that's not even all, they also have regular serial killers among them, who murder members of their own race for no other reason than just to kill. It's also why there are no more Flipper movies: He became greedy after using too much cocaine and, in his tiger-shark-blood driven rage, assaulted the producers, then killed a hooker. Tragic story, really.

Llama_Face89 33

Only other species that has sex for pleasure too I believe.

That`s hard to gauge, and I`d be tempted to say that at least most mammals probably have sex for pleasure occasionally. At the very least, Bonobos are ahead of humans in that regard.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.

HeadlessSparrow 20

The dolphin thought it was going to be a French kiss!

So what'd she taste like? Salmon, Carp? Trout?

Really? I like sea food, but eating a dolphin is different. They are so beautiful and intelligent.

Nurd4lyfe 7

Just doing it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Ari1337 15

your profile picture made this comment like twelve times better.