By Britney - 24/10/2011 22:06 - United States

Today, I discovered I have a cyst on my backside. I can't get it removed until Friday. I have to sit through four midterms this week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 517
You deserved it 2 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blackheart24 10

No, that's an abscess (pus-filled horror show). A cyst is a sac with a lining filled with fluid or debris, depending on the type of cyst.


Ouch, I have a friend who once had a cyst INSIDE is butt. He wasn't very happy.

BatmansBabe 5

I had that on my ovary. Wish you luck on your midterms! (:

BatmansBabe 5

My son had one just above his tail bone it was so bad he had it surgically removed. It had a channel down to his butt. Very painful. I was thinking of FMLing that one, but it was his to FML so I didn't. He had to go to emergency. Couldn't sit or walk so had to kneel in wheelchair with butt in the air. They got him a bed and every nurse had excuses to go into his room to check out his cyst. It became a peep show! About 5 nurses said they were going to do an IV! Poor guy so I know what your going through. Good luck

Good luck. May or may not help but when I get then I soak in a warm tub of epsom salt. Doesn't cure it but sometimes helps the pain. Pharmacy has a numbing cream for it too. Hey any relief is welcomed when you got midterm to get through.

Suck it up, princess, it's just a cyst and not a tumor.

That depends on how big it gets. My hubby still has the picture of my son's cyst. He wanted to see what it looked like, because he wasn't home it was the size of a cup! He was too embarrass to go to us about it, we were fighting and he had moved out. He's lucky he didn't get blood poisoning!

celtic_guy78 0

I had one removed before I went to Boot Camp.

such a clean place to after a surgical removal.

College midterm? Just get the test done as quickly as possible and run...that or explain the situation to the teacher and see if you can be accommodated in a way that won't hurt. If it's high school...just explain and skip the tests. High school is typically easier on you that colleges are.