By Anonymous - 06/06/2009 16:01 - United States

Today, I discovered my boyfriend of 5 months runs a website where men can submit nude or semi nude pictures of their ex's for revenge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 896
You deserved it 5 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ahhh O__O I really hope you didnt let him get nudes of you. That's a jackass thing of him to do.

So is discovered getting as redundant as "turns out" and "proceeded"? I think it is...anyways....never ever break up with your boyfriend!

Well, at least he is finding a way to make an income. Also, just make sure you don't make the stupid mistake of letting him take nude pics of you and you'll never have anything to worry about. If you've only been together for 5 months, I doubt you've agreed to do anything like that. No worries.

skor_fml 0
kc2_fml 0

You should give him reallly hot photos so when you break up with him.. At least you'll look reallly reallly hot...

Hermyoni 0

Actually it's not illegal if the person knew they were being taken and if the above website is the correct one then the girls in the photos I saw damn sure knew they were being taken. So I think in the end this serves as a valuable lesson. If you do take photos with your ex at least make sure to destroy them in the event of a breakup.

#28, it is illegal even if the female has knowledge of the picture being taken, as there has to be consent for distribution whether it is for free or otherwise. If the female does not consent to a picture being used in a "public" medium, then legal action is pursuable. This is why all knowledgable photographers use model release forms when shooting individual subjects. I am going to assume that these women are above the age of 18 because underage nudity is another law entirely (mucho jail time).

CableX17 0

^You are an idiot. There is nothing illegal about posting a picture, that was given to you, onto the internet. Nothing at all. Do you also think you can "pursue legal action" if a friend of yours posts a picture on fb of the two of you hangin out, without your written consent? No? Well then think about the fact that this isn't different. Well from a personal standpoint it's very different, but from a legal perspective, you gave him a picture, it is now his picture, game over.

selymalltimelow 0

Holy shit! What a cr33per. It's best if you not get naked around him or have sex with him. Who knows, he might have a hidden camera somewhere, and when you break it know the rest.