By dreamer2639 - 03/07/2009 16:23 - United States

Today, I exchanged numbers with this guy in the McDonald's drive-thru. When he asked why I gave him my number I told him I thought he had a nice smile. When I asked him the same question, he responded with "I just thought you had a nice rack". FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 533
You deserved it 47 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for exchanging numbers with someone at a McDonald's... what else would you expect?

fxdxhk90 0

Epic win for that guy. Woman always claim to want honesty out of a man, well he was just being honest, quit bitching.


Maybe you are just ugly and have huge boobs? Why complain about it? He told you's better to hear the truth then have someone lie to you.

BWC1234 0
kittykatt 0

He sounds like a pretty cool dude.

Well, you were being superficial, so of course he was gonna be superficial too

YDI... what did you expect? Neither of you knew anything about each other. And unless you have an SUV or a truck that's high off the ground then your rack is probably the part of you that's easiest to see from his angle.

goalie20 0
kitties_fml 12
CharKat09 0

Owned. That's what you get for being beautiful.